The core element of this course is the exploration of the fragile relationship between the object and pictorial representation thereof, incorporating information technology and computer-based image-processing methods. Investigation of visual phenomena in their socio-cultural and technological context is the basis of this engagement.
Encouragement of subjective perception is the first key building block in this teaching module; the second is the imparting of creativity strategies and experimental composition techniques, and the final component is the promotion of an enhanced expressiveness. The course encourages the use of manual and digital instruments in engaging at the very extreme limit of the interplay between reality and fiction.
During the course of the semester, the participants will develop a pictorial work comprising several images – on the basis of the contents communicated in the lectures, workshops and the assignments that are continuously given.
– Laptop to work with during the course days.
– Software Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer.
– Photo camera (professional or smart phone).
JMA-FR, Route des Arsenaux 41, salle AR033, 1700 Fribourg
Monday 30.09.2024, 13:30 – 18:00
Monday 30.09.2024 / 07.10.2024 / 28.10.2024 / 11.11.2024 / 25.11.2024 / 09.12.2024 (final session). Final submission: 06.01.2025, 18:00.