Throughout the history of architecture and interior space design, images have been an integral part of designed spaces, embedded either in walls or ceilings, not only in private villas to show wealth and opulence, but consistently in public spaces, to guide and inform, celebrate achievements or commemorate events. This was done through various techniques and materials, often by well-known artists and architects. In this course we will review existing examples in public spaces and will offer a contemporary version of embedded images in our contemporary public spaces making use of current technologies and techniques.
Seeing, analysing and researching the historic presence of ‘images’ embedded in public space and architecture and understanding if this can be applied to our contemporary public space, and how to design or facilitate this.
Starting by observing a series of historic examples of images that are embedded in public architecture, we will redraw them using a specific perspective (either drawing or a collage). After that we will choose an unbuilt contemporary public space, in which we will offer a contemporary ‘image’ embedded in architecture using a 1:10 scale model, in which students can place their projects.
HEAD – Genève, Nouveau Campus,
Bâtiment H, Avenue de Châtelaine 7,
salle 1.01/1.02
Tuesday 08. March 2022, 13:00-17:00
22. March 2022, 12. April 2022, 03. May 2022, 17. May
2022, 13:00-17:00